Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Harry Potter and the long overdue update.

First thing before I start out with this overdue update. Micheal Jackson. He is dead, as in, the biological processes of his body have halted leading to him no longer experiencing what we call sentience. I don't know what happens to his "soul" anymore than I do with anyone else's. His life of full of controversy, tragedy, and some music that you secretly listen to when you think no one else is around. Now, let us all move on. Yes, you too Fox news, you fucking republican shitheads.

Did everyone have a great Fourth? Nothing shows that you love your country more than by blowing up small pieces of it. I like to think that the rest of the world tolerates our boisterous Fourth of July celebrations because we are a young country. As such, each of our birthdays is exciting, unlike Britain who has toilets older than us. Still at least this year there are things to celebrate about. LGBT's rights are coming about, slowly, but still. Universal health care may be a reality before to long. Oh, and our President can both safely eat pretzels and not look like an huge inbreed hillbilly ass if front of the world. So, that's good.

And now for that which lent its name to this update's title. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince. Yes, I am going to go see it, quite possibly on the midnight showing. No I do not care who knows it or how much shit I receive for that. Now I usually don't like things that have this much hype surrounding them, but with Harry Potter I make an exception. You can say that's merely because I enjoy the books, and that's your right. However, I fully admit that Harry Potter does have a lot of hype that surrounds it. I think that this hype is different for one very important reason. Harry Potter got kids to read and use their imagination. It gave them something to pretend at, something to believe in, and more importantly taught them a bit of morals along the way. I would now rant and rave about the stupid fundie christians and how they think Harry Potter is some great evil designed to destroy them, but I don't have all day and I ran out of aspirin.

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