Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We can still stop it people!

Twittering that is. Leave it to Americans to take something like that internet that gives you the freedom to express yourself for others to share in and make it as mind numbingly simple as they can. What was the thought process behind this? No one can be sure what vile form of douchbaggery spawned it, but it might have gone something like this.

Blogging? You mean I have to actually write things in paragraph form, what is this school? Myspace, Facebook, I'm more familiar with this as it's just a giant popularity contest, but downloading ass loads of stupid applications just takes so much time. If only there was a way to share inane text messages about the stupid shit I'm doing every minute of the day with tons of people. At this point a light bulb went on over the theoritical persons head, only to cause a massive anourism. Unfortunatly, there must have been another idiot around that picked up on the idea, and since they didn't have to form it themselves, survived.

Now, I mean, I'm all for expressing yourself. Freedom of speech is one of the greatest things ever. I also understand that not everyone is good at writing. You know what though? You don't have to be! It does not take a literary giant to post in a blog, or a journal. Even if all you are doing is writing down what happened to you that day it's better than twitter. If you can't sit down at the end of the day and take the highlights of what you did and put them into a vaguely coherent form, please get off the internet. There is no for the sheer laziness of wanting to be able to post 140 characters of what you are doing in a stupid attempt to "express" yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Fail whale!

    I used to blog, but that was back in high school and it was so, so stupid and juvenile. It's probably the memories of that blog that keep me from making one now.

    You should watch this clip

    I love Current News
