Friday, June 12, 2009

Doctor Who, What, When?

So I downloaded the Easter special of Doctor Who and watched it last night. Now the actual downloading poses an interesting question. I used utorrent to get it from the internet. This is pirating and raises the question, "Would the Doctor approve?" I think not, but more important to me, "Would The Master approve?" Yes, I am a fan of The Master. I also like Daleks. If The Master were ever to march at the head of a Dalek army I would nerdgasm all over place.

I liked the episode. It was some classic Doctor Who problem solving. I was a bit disappointed that the plot was very complicated, but still it was a good little injection of the Doctor in what is proving to be a very barren year for him. Yeah, I know that they are just doing the specials this year, that doesn't stop me from wanting more though. I will say this about the episode, the Doctor without a companion is a bit depressing. Okay, sort of a lot depressing. He gets all frowny and doesn't have his usual energy.

Speaking of which, what will the new doctor be like? I've seen the video of the new doctor. Don't know what I think yet. I'll give him a fair chance, cause this is how we all felt when Tenant took over. Honestly though, I still hold out hope for Eccelston to return.